Saturday, October 24, 2015

ISIS terrorists exploiting migrant crisis by 'recruiting refugees from asylum camps in Europe'

Militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) posing with the trademark Jihadists flag after they allegedly seized an Iraqi army checkpoint in the northern Iraqi province of Salahuddin
Exploiting the migrant crisis: ISIS supporters have been seen chatting to refugees in European asylum camps
ISIS extremists have been spotted attempting to recruit refugees from asylum camps in Europe, police have said.
Supporters of the Islamic terrorist monsters were spotted chatting to Syrians at an asylum centre in Oslo, Norway.
Authorities have already registered concerns that, given their desperate situation, refugees may be vulnerable to radicalisation as they flee towards European cities.
A spokesman for the Norwegian Police Security Service said: "We have seen signs that extreme Islamists have approached the reception centres and asylum seekers.
"They have been there to get contacts.

EAST MED MEDIAChildren living as refugees in Turkey - all these children have fled the fighting in Kobane, on the Syrian border, but their fathers are still there
Migrants: These children are living as refugees in Turkey after fleeing war in Syria
"Aside from that, it's difficult to say what their specific purpose is.
"We are of course worried about recruitment into radical circles.
ISIS Fighter
Militants: The terror organisation has caused havoc in Iraq and Syria
"Of course we are worried about every single person that may be recruited by extreme Islamists and their cause."
And Hugo Limkjær, the manager of the asylum centre in Oslo, confirmed that ISIS supporters had been spotted talking to the refugees.
"His message was that the West had helped to destroy his homeland and they had to stand together within Islam.
Terror: An ISIS supporter waves a flag in the street
"It was very important that they continued to go to the mosque and followed the rules, particularly with regard to women."

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