Monday, May 7, 2012

Ke$ha talks her next album: Some will be shocked

Ke$ha isn’t the typical glamour girl pop star, but as she tells V magazine in a new issue, she’s completely cool with that.

The 25-year-old singer says unlike most other female stars — who drop lots of dough on stylists and trips to the beauty salon — she embraces her wild and crazy looks and is happy to drive in a lane designed just for her.

“There are the pop stars of the world and then I’m like their dirty little sister,” Ke$ha says, “running around with s*** on my face in combat boots because I can’t walk in heels.”

The Tennessee native adds, “I do feel like there is an element of what I’m doing that is about where I come from, which is working-class. I was never the cool kid, I was never hot in high school. I was never popular. You don’t have to be perfect to be rich and you can still be successful.”

Ke$ha, who sold 15 million units of her first album — is now toiling on her second one, which she says she’ll drop later this year.

“The first record was all me living in L.A., trying to pay my rent, [and] have a really good time and look good on nothing,” she says.

But since those days, she continues, “I’ve seen how many people my music can reach, and I’ve realized that I have somewhat of a social responsibility to make sure everything I say is positive. The underlying theme of this next record is warrior — with the positive message behind that everyone has a warrior inside.”

Some fans, she predicts, will be “shocked” by the new sound.

“Some will also be excited to know that I don’t just do silly white-girl rap,” she adds. “I’m from the South. I have a lot of soul. But trust me — it’s not going to be some avant-garde jazz record. I innately write pop songs. That’s just what I do.

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