Sunday, April 1, 2012

Jokes on You! 7 Hilarious Celebrity April Fools' Day Pranks

Happy April Fools' Day!

Happy April Fools' Day! It's that time of year again, when even celebrities aren't safe from practical jokes. At some point, everyone has been the victimizer or the victim of the holiday's humor. Even celebrities become part of the crazy antics that the day has to offer. But everyone loves a good joke right? In honor of the day, here are some of the best celebrity-involved April Fools' pranks! --Jazmine Gray


Mya once played quite an April Fools' prank on a friend. She revealed "one of my friends is a producer in California; we have a brother/sister relationship. He pulled a prank on me, so I figured I owed him one. I was on the House of Blues tour in 2003, and I invited him to one of my shows in Anaheim, California, after I had already performed [there]. So he rented a limo, invited people and showed up the day after I performed. I gave him backstage passes and told him he was on the guest list for seven. He was totally embarrassed, but I owed him one."

Nicole Richie and Kim Kardashian

In 2010, Kim Kardashian fell victim to Nicole Richie's April Fools' Twitter prank. Nicole joined forces with Khloe Kardashian and hacked Kim's account posting tweets such as "Sometimes I think I am a lesbian because HOT DAMN I think Nicole Richie is fffooooiiinnneee!" Kim later tweeted "That was hands down the funniest April Fools'!!"

Chris Brown

Last April Fools' Breezy's fans played a joke on him by trending #CongratsOnTheBabyCB on Twitter. CB later shared in the humor with a response "Lol At whoever started that TT. Lol April Fools."

Blair Underwood

Blair Underwood pranked his father whose birthday is on April Fools' by giving him a cake that was a block of wood. The actor put icing on the cake so that when his father tried to eat it, he wouldn't be able to cut into it.

DJ Pauly D

The Jersey Shore DJ played an awful joke on a friend. He took the rims off of one his friends' cars and put it on jack stands. His friend then flipped out and attempted to call the police and he was forced to reveal that it was all a prank.

Justin Bieber

Known as a prankster, Justin Bieber once bought the site Funny Or Die, reclaiming it as Bieber Or Die. Along with his takeover of the site, he posted a video exclaiming "Anything that's not Bieber dies." "I'm a star; I do what stars do," he went on to say. "I ride on yachts, I autograph lady lumps, and I pay people to slap them."


Ciara played a joke on her Twitter followers last year. "3months pregnant:(...whats a girl to do??....this is going to be hard:( no more spanx:(," she tweeted.

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